christian higher education
Thoughts on College Rankings (Pt. 2 - When Christians Rank Colleges)
In this post I summarize part 1 of the series and apply the posts lessons to a college guide focused on Christian colleges.
christian higher education
In this post I summarize part 1 of the series and apply the posts lessons to a college guide focused on Christian colleges.
This post shares my personal thinking about college rankings in preparation for a follow up post where I’m going to examine a new ranking tool that is being used for Christian colleges and universities.
This is a reflection I wrote after a trip to Kazakhstan in May 2024. It narrates our travels and how it relates to my thoughts on higher education organizational behavior. I spend some time thinking about one of the theories I can’t seem to quit, isomorphism.
What lesson’s might history hold for U.S. Higher Education’s Institutional Autonomy? TLDR (keep some Large Language Model related carbon out of the atmosphere and just skim this section if your in a hurry) This post is going to use the historical example of Ronald Reagan's
This post extends some thinking and justification for this blog’s existence beyond the inaugural post. Specifically, my desire to embrace a posture of sharing and reflecting as the two primary modes of digital existence.
Hello there. What My name is Nicolas Babarskis and this site serves as a public journal of my thinking on colleges and universities. I have 14 years of experience working in postsecondary education settings, primarily in student support services, and for the last 3 years I have been pursuing a
This is Thinking About Colleges and Universities, a brand new site by Nicolas Babarskis that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new